Cheezee Pay API
Cheezee Pay supports the use of its WaaS service through REST API, including functions such as receiving and sending coins for more than 20 mainstream blockchains and over 1000 types of tokens. Third-party apps can imagine it as an Alipay or WeChat payment interface, making it easier to develop cryptocurrency-related applications based on Cheezee Pay, such as cryptocurrency exchanges, hedge funds, payment platforms, mortgage lending platforms, cloud computing power, mining pool wallets, and so on. Third-party developers can also store digital assets in Cheezee Pay, fully utilizing Cheezee Pay's world-leading hot-cold separation and global private key distribution storage to ensure asset security.
In addition to REST API, Cheezee Pay also provides a web-based management interface at, which facilitates manual sending and receiving by management personnel, configuration of risk control strategies, as well as low-amount reminders, statistical reports, and other functions. The following are screenshots of the web management interface:
How to open an account
Users can contact through TelegramSteven open
Will the return value in the interface change
Due to the rapid development of the blockchain itself and Cheezee Pay's own business, it is difficult for Cheezee Pay to ensure that the existing return fields can fully meet customers' needs. Therefore, while ensuring forward compatibility (old fields cannot be deleted and their meaning will not change), Cheezee Pay will add new fields to the return value. Access parties need to maintain compatibility with such changes
The default user agent needs to be added to the API interface request header
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.63 Safari/537.36
URL obj = new URL(url);
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
con.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/93.0.4577.63 Safari/537.36");
About Data Format
Interface interaction mode, request and response data types using Json
API Signature Authentication
Cheezee Pay uses RSA signatures for verification. After you open an account in Cheezee Pay, you can generate a public-private key pair at If you have any questions, you can also contact our staff to assist you. You can enter your public key API Key through the Cheezee Pay management interface (path: Merchant Backstage-API-API Settings-API Key), as shown below. Please keep the API Secret properly and do not disclose it to anyone to avoid asset loss! Cheezee Pay's API requests, except for public APIs, require the interface to use the RSA private key to sign all interface request parameters when requesting. You can refer to the signature and verification code examples on the right:
private static final String DATA = "data";
// Generate signature
public static String getSign(Map<String, Object> params, String privateKey) throws Exception {
String textContent = getContent(params);
return sign(textContent, privateKey);
// Verify the signature
public static boolean verifySign(Map<String, Object> params, String publickey) throws
Exception {
String platSign= (String)params.remove("platSign");
String textContent = getContentNew(params);
System.out.println("Signature Verification:"+textContent);
return verifySign(textContent, platSign, publickey);
// The string for the reception signature
private static String getContent(Map<String, Object> params) {
List<String> paramNameList = new ArrayList(params.keySet());
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
Iterator var3 = paramNameList.iterator();
while(var3.hasNext()) {
String name = (String);
if (params.get(name) != null && !"payeeAccountInfos".equals(name)) {
if (name.equals("agentOrderBatch")) {
} else {
return stringBuilder.toString();
//Spell the string of the signature to be verified
public static String getContentNew(Map<String, Object> params) {
List<String> paramNameList = new ArrayList<>(params.keySet());
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (String name : paramNameList) {
if(ObjectUtil.isNotEmpty(params.get(name))) {
if ("data".equals(name)) {
Object dataValue = params.get(name);
if (dataValue instanceof Map) {
stringBuilder.append(getContentNew((Map<String, Object>)dataValue));
} else {
} else if ("payeeAccountInfos".equals(name)){
//payeeAccountInfos is a string that participates in the signature.
//It is an array that does not participate in the signature.
Object dataValue = params.get(name);
if (dataValue instanceof String) {
if (params.get(name) != null ) {
return stringBuilder.toString();
// Generate a signature using a private key
public static String sign(String textContent, String privateKeyStr) {
Sign sign = SecureUtil.sign(SignAlgorithm.SHA256withRSA, privateKeyStr, (String)null);
byte[] data = textContent.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
byte[] signed = sign.sign(data);
String signedStr = Base64.encode(signed);
return signedStr;
// Use public key to verify signature
public static boolean verifySign(String textContent, String signStr, String publicKeyStr) {
Sign sign = SecureUtil.sign(SignAlgorithm.SHA256withRSA, (String)null, publicKeyStr);
byte[] data = textContent.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
boolean verifyResult = sign.verify(data, Base64.decode(signStr));
return verifyResult;
In order to better focus on the maintenance of mainstream public chains, the test environment only supports GETH. If you have special testing requirements for public chains that are not in this list, please contact our customer service personnel.
Get test coins.
GETH(ETH Test coins.)- Goerli Testnet
Link to apply for test coins (for reference only):
Crypto Payin
Crypto Payin Order
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// For ERC20 without orders id ----
// map.put("merchantsId", "Your merchant ID on our platform");
// map.put("customerMerchantsId", "User ID in your own business");//
// map.put("moneyUnit", "Currency");
// map.put("netWork", "Currency chain");
// For TRC20 with orders id----
map.put("merchantsId", "Your merchant ID on our platform");
map.put("customerMerchantsId", "User ID in your own business");//
map.put("moneyUnit", "Currency");
map.put("chargeMoney", "Amount to be paid");
map.put("merchantsOrderId", "Order ID for your payment business");
map.put("netWork", "Currency chain");
map.put("orderVersion", "v1.0");
String platSign = RSAUtil.getSign(map , privateKey);
String returnObj = CheesehubRsaAndHttpUtils.doPostJsonSetTimeout("https://{Platform domain name.}/business/createCollectionOrder", JSON.toJSONString(map));
JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.parseObject(returnObj);
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, Object> map1 = objectMapper.readValue(returnObj, Map.class);
if(RSAUtil.verifySign(map1 , platpublicKey)){
}else {
System.out.println("no pass");
* {"success":false,"code":"999999","msg":"Failed to create third-party payment order! null","data":null}
* {"success":false,"code":"NF00001","msg":"The order already exists. Please do not create it again!","data":null}
System.out.println("no pass");
Success Response Demo:
"success": true,
"code": "000000",
"msg": "Successful",
"data": {
"orderId": "***Platform payment order number***",
"addressList": [
"netWork": "***Chain that supports payment transaction currency***",
"address": "***Address***"
"netWork": "***Chain that supports payment transaction currency***",
"address": "***Address***"
"url": "***url***?key=urlData"
The urlData has a JSON structure like this:
"orderId": "Order number",
"customerMerchantsId": "Merchant user UID",
"merchantsId": "Merchant UID",
"chargeMoney": "Coin recharge amount",
"moneyUnit": "Coin recharge currency",
"merchantsOrderId": "Merchant order number",
"market": "Exchange rate",
"type": "v1.0",
"num": "Quantity",
"addressList": [
"netWork": "Chain that supports payment transaction currency",
"address": "Address"
"netWork": "Chain that supports payment transaction currency",
"address": "Address"
Fail Response Demo:
"success": false,
"code": "errorCode",
"msg": "errorMessage",
"data": null
HTTP Request
The domain has a test environment and a production environment, which have different domain names. Please pay attention.
POST https://{domain}/business/createCollectionOrder
Parameter | Default | type | length | Description |
customerMerchantsId | true | String | 32 | Merchant user ID. |
merchantsId | true | String | 32 | Merchant ID. |
platSign | true | String | 255 | Signature. |
chargeMoney | true | String | ######.######## | Payment BigDecimal("0.0").stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() |
moneyUnit | true | String | 10 | Coin recharge currency. |
merchantsOrderId | false | String | 32 | Merchant payment order number (required for v1.0 v3.0 and v5.0 mode, not required for v2.0 v4.0 and v6.0 mode). |
netWork | true | String | 32 | Coin recharge currency chain. |
orderVersion | true | String | 2 | v1.0, v2.0, v3.0, v4.0, v5.0, v6.0 (if this field is not passed, the cashier version is determined based on the merchant backend configuration). |
timeStamp | false | String | 32 | Timestamp (optional, in milliseconds). |
remark | false | String | 32 | Note (optional, in JSON format). |
Field | type | Description |
success | Boolean | true false |
code | String | code |
msg | String | msg |
data | Object | (data) |
platSign | String | platSign |
Field | type | Description |
orderId | String | Platform order number. |
addressList | JSON Array | Address array (see details in addressList). |
url | String | Cashier address. |
Field | type | Description |
address | String | Address |
netWork | String | Chain |
Crypto Payin Notification"==============PayAsynchronous1.1===================");
HttpServletRequest request = this.getRequest();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(request.getInputStream()));
String str = "";
String wholeStr = "";
while((str = reader.readLine()) != null){//
wholeStr += str;
JSONObject postJson= JSON.parseObject(wholeStr);
// Payment order
String orderId = postJson.getString("orderId");
// Your merchant order number
String merchantsOrderId = postJson.getString("merchantsOrderId");
String data = postJson.getString("data");
// Parsing
JSONObject dataJosn = JSONObject.parseObject(data);
// Status: 1 transaction completed, 2 order exception, 3 in transaction, 4 transaction timeout
String status = dataJosn.getString("status");
// Payment amount
String amount = dataJosn.getString("amount");
String customerMerchantsId = dataJosn.getString("customerMerchantsId");
// Order exchange rate
String currentRate = dataJosn.getString("currentRate");
// Exchange rate type: 1 fixed rate, 2 floating rate
String rechargeRateType = dataJosn.getString("rechargeRateType");
// Exchange rate update time UTC time format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ
String exchangeRateDate = dataJosn.getString("exchangeRateDate");
// Order creation time UTC time format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ
String orderCreatedTime = dataJosn.getString("orderCreatedTime");
// Order completion time UTC time format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ
String orderCompletedTime = dataJosn.getString("orderCompletedTime"); + "coboPay-postJson:" + dataJosn);
Note: data is a JSON string
"orderId": "Platform payment order number",
"merchantsOrderId": "Merchant payment order number",
"data": {
"orderId": "Platform payment order number",
"merchantsOrderId": "Merchant payment order number",
"status": "Payment order status",
"amount": "Payment order amount",
"symbol": "Currency for payment transaction order",
"customerMerchantsId": "Merchant user ID",
"netWork": "Chain",
"side": "Asynchronous notification business type",
"receiveAddress": "Receiving address",
"currentRate": "0.888",
"rechargeRateType": "2",
"exchangeRateDate": "2022-07-12T09:15:34.617Z",
"orderCreatedTime": "2022-07-12T09:15:34.617Z",
"orderCompletedTime": "2022-07-12T09:15:34.617Z"
Success Response Demo:
"code": "200"
Fail Response Demo:
"code": "errorCode"
The domain has a test environment and a production environment, which have different domain names. Please note..
HTTP Request
POST https://{Merchant's address for receiving asynchronous callbacks}
Parameter | Default | type | length | Description |
orderId | true | String | 32 | Platform payment order number. |
merchantsOrderId | true | String | 32 | Merchant payment order number. |
status | true | String | 2 | Payment order status: 1 transaction completed, 2 order exception, 3 in transaction, 4 transaction timeout. |
amount | true | String | ######.###################### | Payment order amount. new BigDecimal("0.0").stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() |
symbol | true | String | 10 | Payment currency. |
customerMerchantsId | true | String | 32 | Merchant user ID. |
netWork | true | String | 10 | Chain. |
side | true | String | 10 | Asynchronous notification business type (tripartite: collection order), if the merchant uses one interface to receive all types of asynchronous callbacks, use it to determine the business. |
receiveAddress | true | String | 10 | Receiving address. |
currentRate | true | String | ######.###################### | Order exchange rate. new BigDecimal("0.0").stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() |
rechargeRateType | true | String | 1 | Exchange rate type: 1 fixed rate, 2 floating rate. |
exchangeRateDate | true | String | 24 | Exchange rate update time UTC time format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ |
orderCreatedTime | true | String | 24 | Order creation time UTC time format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ |
orderCompletedTime | true | String | 24 | Order completion time UTC time format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ |
Field | type | Description |
code | Integer | 200 |
After the merchant receives the notification from Cheezee Pay, it is recommended to call the Cheezee Pay transaction query interface according to the specific Id field in it to confirm the correctness of the transaction again.
For messages of successful transactions, Cheezee Pay adopts a policy of at least one successful push (except for confirmation number change notifications). If the merchant does not return {"code":"200"}, Cheezee Pay will consider the push failed and continue to push for a period of time (the push interval gradually increases, and after the total number of pushes exceeds 14 times, it is marked as push failure and will no longer be pushed. If you need to push again, please contact the staff).
For messages in transaction confirmation, Cheezee Pay will only push once when the block confirmation number changes and will not repeatedly push relying on the merchant's return result.
For transactions that have reached the confirmation threshold and have a status of "success", Cheezee Pay will not continue to push the chain confirmation number change of this transaction.
Due to unpredictable reasons such as network delay, callbacks may be repeated multiple times. Please pay attention to using the id field as a unique key for transactions and use the database read-write lock mechanism reasonably to prevent duplicate postings.
HTTPS protocol should be used as much as possible to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks. And for the callback message content of Cheezee Pay, use RSA for signature verification.
Crypto Payin Query
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("orderType", "Order type");
map.put("merchantsId", "Merchant ID");
map.put("pageIndex", "Page index");
map.put("orderId", "Number per page");
String platSign = RSAUtil.getSign(map , privateKey);
String returnObj = CheesehubRsaAndHttpUtils.doPostJsonSetTimeout("https://{domain}/business/queryOrderPage", JSON.toJSONString(map));
JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.parseObject(returnObj);
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, Object> map1 = objectMapper.readValue(returnObj, Map.class);
if(RSAUtil.verifySign(map1 , platpublicKey)){
JSONObject pageData = jsonObject.getJSONObject("data");
JSONArray records = pageData.getJSONArray("records");
Integer pageIndex = pageData.getInteger("pageIndex");
Integer pageSize = pageData.getInteger("pageSize");
Integer totalPages = pageData.getInteger("totalPages");
Integer totalCount = pageData.getInteger("totalCount");
}else {
System.out.println("no pass");
Success Response Demo:
"success": true,
"code": "000000",
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"records": [
"id": "Order ID",
"coboBusinessId": "Transaction hash",
"merchantsOrderId": "Merchant order number",
"customerId": "Platform user ID",
"merchantsId": "Merchant ID",
"customerMerchantsId": "Merchant user ID",
"chargeMoney": "Collection amount",
"moneyUnit": "Collection currency",
"fee": "Collection fee",
"netWork": "Chain",
"receiveAddress": "Receipt address",
"sendAddress": "Sending address",
"status": "Order status: 1 payment completed, 2 no order payment, 3 in payment, 4 order expired",
"pushStatus": "Push status: 1 notification in progress, 2 notification completed, 3 notification failed",
"createTime": "Creation time",
"businessTime": "Completion time"
"totalPages": "Total pages",
"totalCount": "Total quantity",
"pageSize": "Number per page",
"pageIndex": "Page index"
"platSign": "Signature"
Fail Response Demo:
"success": false,
"code": "errorCode",
"msg": "errorMessage",
"data": null
The domain has a test environment and a production environment, which have different domain names. Please note..
HTTP Request
POST https://{domain}/business/queryOrderPage
Parameter | required | Default | type | length | Description |
platSign | true | String | 255 | Signature | |
orderType | true | String | 30 | Order type: collection - collection order | |
merchantsId | true | String | 32 | Merchant ID | |
pageIndex | true | 1 | Integer | Page index | |
pageSize | true | 10 | Integer | Number per page | |
orderId | false | String | Order ID | ||
orderStatus | false | Integer | Order status: 1 payment completed, 2 no order payment, 3 in payment, 4 order expired | ||
createTimeStart | false | String | Order creation time (start) - format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | ||
createTimeEnd | false | String | Order creation time (end) - format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | ||
finishTimeStart | false | String | Order completion time (start) - format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | ||
finishTimeEnd | false | String | Order completion time (end) - format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
Field | type | Description |
success | Boolean | true false |
code | String | code |
msg | String | msg |
data | Object | data |
platSign | String | platSign |
Crypto Payout
Crypto Payout Order
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("merchantsId", "Merchant ID");
map.put("merchantsOrderNo", "Merchant Order Number");
map.put("currency", "Payment Currency");
map.put("amount", "Payment Amount");
map.put("network", "Currency Network");
map.put("address", "Payment Address");
map.put("timeStamp", "Timestamp");
map.put("remark", "Remarks");
String platSign = RSAUtil.getSign(map , privateKey);
String returnObj = CheesehubRsaAndHttpUtils.doPostJsonSetTimeout("https://{domain}/business/paymentOrder", JSON.toJSONString(map));
JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.parseObject(returnObj);
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, Object> map1 = objectMapper.readValue(returnObj, Map.class);
if(RSAUtil.verifySign(map1 , platpublicKey)){
}else {
System.out.println("no pass");
System.out.println("no pass");
Success Response Demo:
"success": true,
"code": "000000",
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"orderId": "TB2022111118525243000000068",
"orderStatus": 2
"platSign": "myR5cpH6/DUYF74Xp74XMgLS53uhTLN4L7pI686jJdvgaB4hagoi5K0tAyEq5leZfAzkmKs0jTwoAh/KdxiIpetTuszi/wuKOM7JJj9igQmp7rsOSQNwb/WLplpOkOjyUrFm2KqgWPVLJXDwziu6QNmd7f50L//BJFCWkHTVCNU="
Fail Response Demo:
"success": false,
"code": "errorCode",
"msg": "errorMessage",
"data": null
There are different domain names for the test environment and the production environment. Please pay attention..
HTTP Request
POST https://{domain}/business/paymentOrder
Parameter | Default | type | length | Description |
platSign | true | String | 255 | Secret key for signature |
merchantsId | true | String | 32 | Merchant ID |
merchantsOrderNo | true | String | 32 | Merchant Order Number |
currency | true | String | 10 | Payment Currency |
amount | true | String | ######.######## | Payment Amount new BigDecimal("0.0").stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() |
network | true | String | 10 | Currency Network |
address | true | String | 10 | Payment Address |
timeStamp | false | String | 20 | Timestamp |
remark | false | String | # | Remarks in JSON string format. If the format is incorrect, it will not be saved. |
Field | type | Description |
success | Boolean | true false |
code | String | code |
msg | String | msg |
data | Object | data |
platSign | String | platSign |
Crypto Payout Notification"==============Pay1.1===================");
HttpServletRequest request = this.getRequest();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(request.getInputStream()));
String str = "";
String wholeStr = "";
while((str = reader.readLine()) != null){;
wholeStr += str;
JSONObject postJson= JSON.parseObject(wholeStr);
// Payment Order Number
String orderId = postJson.getString("orderId");
// Your Merchant Order Number
String merchantsOrderId = postJson.getString("merchantsOrderId");
String data = postJson.getString("data");
// Parsing
JSONObject dataJosn = JSONObject.parseObject(data);
// Payment Order Number
String businessOrderId = dataJosn.getString("orderId");
// Order Status: 2 Withdrawal Confirmation, 3 Completed, 4 Failed, 5 Rejected, 6 In Transaction
String status = dataJosn.getString("status");
// Handling Fee
String mentionPoundage = dataJosn.getString("mentionPoundage");
// Handling Fee Currency
String mentionPoundageUnit = dataJosn.getString("mentionPoundageUnit");
// Network
String netWork = dataJosn.getString("netWork");
// Payment Received Amount
String mentionMoney = dataJosn.getString("mentionMoney");"coboPay-postJson:" + dataJosn);
Note: data is a JSON string
"orderId": "Platform payment order number",
"data": {
"orderId": "Platform payment order number",
"status": "Order status",
"side": "payment",
"customerMerchantsId": "Merchant user ID",
"symbol": "Payment currency",
"amount": "Payment amount",
"receiveAddress": "Payment address",
"mentionMoney": "Amount received by the payee",
"mentionPoundage": "Commission",
"mentionPoundageUnit": "Commission currency",
"netWork": "Chain",
"merchantsOrderId":"Merchant order number"
Success Response Demo:
"code": "200"
Fail Response Demo:
"code": "errorCode"
The domain has a test environment and a production environment, which have different domain names. Please note...
HTTP Request
POST https://{}
Parameter | Default | type | length | Description |
orderId | true | String | 32 | Platform order number. |
status | true | String | 2 | Transaction status: 2 withdrawal confirmation, 3 completed, 4 failed, 5 rejected, 6 in transaction. |
side | true | String | 10 | Asynchronous notification business type (payment: collection order), if the merchant uses one interface to receive all types of asynchronous callbacks, use it to determine the business. |
customerMerchantsId | true | String | 32 | Merchant user ID. |
symbol | true | String | 10 | Currency. |
amount | true | String | ######.###################### | Order initiation amount. new BigDecimal("0.0").stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString() |
receiveAddress | true | String | 255 | Address. |
mentionMoney | true | String | ######.###################### | Amount received. |
mentionPoundage | true | String | ######.###################### | Commission. |
mentionPoundageUnit | true | String | ######.###################### | Commission currency. |
netWork | true | String | 10 | Chain. |
merchantsOrderId | true | String | Merchant order number. |
Field | type | Description |
code | Integer | 200 |
Crypto Payout Query
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("orderType", "Order type");
map.put("merchantsId", "Merchant ID");
map.put("pageIndex", "Page index");
map.put("orderId", "Number per page");
String platSign = RSAUtil.getSign(map , privateKey);
String returnObj = CheesehubRsaAndHttpUtils.doPostJsonSetTimeout("https://{}/business/queryOrderPage", JSON.toJSONString(map));
JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.parseObject(returnObj);
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, Object> map1 = objectMapper.readValue(returnObj, Map.class);
if(RSAUtil.verifySign(map1 , platpublicKey)){
JSONObject pageData = jsonObject.getJSONObject("data");
JSONArray records = pageData.getJSONArray("records");
Integer pageIndex = pageData.getInteger("pageIndex");
Integer pageSize = pageData.getInteger("pageSize");
Integer totalPages = pageData.getInteger("totalPages");
Integer totalCount = pageData.getInteger("totalCount");
}else {
System.out.println("no pass");
Success Response Demo JSON:
"success": true,
"code": "000000",
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"records": [
"id": "Order ID",
"coboBusinessId": "Transaction hash",
"merchantsOrderNo": "Merchant order number",
"merchantsId": "Merchant ID",
"mentionMoney": "Payment amount",
"moneyUnit": "Payment currency",
"mentionPoundage": "Commission for payment",
"mentionPoundageUnit": "Commission currency for payment",
"netWork": "Chain",
"receiveAddress": "Payment address",
"status": "Order status: -1 in payment, -2 payment failed, 3 payment completed, 5 audit rejected, 8 under review",
"pushStatus": "Push status: 1 not notified, 2 notification successful, 3 notification failed",
"startTimes": "Creation time",
"endTimes": "End time"
"totalPages": "Total pages",
"totalCount": "Total count",
"pageSize": "Number per page",
"pageIndex": "Page index"
"platSign": "Signature"
Fail Response Demo:
"success": false,
"code": "errorCode",
"msg": "errorMessage",
"data": null
The domain has a test environment and a production environment, which have different domain names. Please note...
HTTP Request
POST https://{domain}/business/queryOrderPage
Parameter | required | Default | type | length | Description |
platSign | true | String | 255 | Signature | |
orderType | true | String | 30 | Order type: payment for collection orders | |
merchantsId | true | String | 32 | Merchant ID | |
pageIndex | true | 1 | Integer | Page index | |
pageSize | true | 10 | Integer | Number per page | |
orderId | false | String | Order ID | ||
orderStatus | false | Integer | Order status: -1 in payment, -2 payment failed, 3 payment completed, 5 audit rejected, 8 under review | ||
createTimeStart | false | String | Order creation time - start format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | ||
createTimeEnd | false | String | Order creation time - end format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | ||
finishTimeStart | false | String | Order completion time - start format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | ||
finishTimeEnd | false | String | Order completion time - end format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
Field | type | Description |
success | Boolean | true false |
code | String | code |
msg | String | msg |
data | Object | data |
platSign | String | platSign |
P2P Payin
P2P Payin Order
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("customerMerchantsId", "Unique identifier of the user under the merchant, passed in by the cashier API");
map.put("takerType", "Fixed as 2, merchant user");
map.put("legalCoin", "Legal tender currency");
map.put("merchantsId", "Merchant ID");
map.put("dealAmount", "Legal tender amount");
map.put("tradeType", "Trading type: 2 for selling");
map.put("merchantOrderId", "Merchant order number - unique");
map.put("merchantHomePage", "merchant Home Page");
map.put("language", "zh_hk Chinese, VI Vietnamese, en English, Indonesia Indonesian");
map.put("payWayName", "payWayName:[IMPS] [UPI] [Bank Transfer(India)] [Paytm]");
String platSign = RSAUtil.getSign(map , privateKey);
String returnObj = CheesehubRsaAndHttpUtils.doPostJsonSetTimeout("https://{domain}/business/c2c/entrustOrder/cashier", JSON.toJSONString(map));
JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.parseObject(returnObj);
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, Object> map1 = objectMapper.readValue(returnObj, Map.class);
if(RSAUtil.verifySign(map1 , platpublicKey)){
}else {
System.out.println("no pass");
System.out.println("no pass");
Success Response Demo:
"success": true,
"code": "000000",
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"orderId": "Payment order number",
"type": "0 for new order, 1 for existing order",
"url": "Cashier path"
"platSign": "Verification signature"
Fail Response Demo:
"success": false,
"code": "errorCode",
"msg": "errorMessage",
"data": null
The domain has a test environment and a production environment, which have different domain names. Please note..
HTTP Request
POST https://{domain}/business/c2c/entrustOrder/cashier
Parameter | Default | type | length | Description |
platSign | true | String | 255 | Signature |
customerMerchantsId | true | String | 32 | Unique identifier of the user under the merchant, passed in by the cashier API |
legalCoin | true | String | 10 | Legal tender currency, currently supports INR IDR |
coin | true | String | 10 | Fixed: USDT |
merchantsId | true | String | 32 | Merchant ID |
dealAmount | true | Integer | 10 | Legal tender amount |
tradeType | true | Integer | 2 | Fixed: 2 |
takerType | true | Integer | 2 | Fixed: 2 |
merchantOrderId | true | String | 32 | Merchant order number - unique |
language | true | String | 32 | zh_hk Chinese;VI Vietnamese;en English;Indonesia Indonesian |
merchantHomePage | false | String | 32 | Merchant homepage (not required) |
pushAddress | true | String | 64 | Notification callback address |
payWayName | false | String | 32 | payWayName (not required) [IMPS] [UPI] [Bank Transfer(India)] [Paytm] |
Field | type | Description |
success | Boolean | true false |
code | String | code |
msg | String | msg |
data | Object | data |
platSign | String | platSign |
P2P Payin Notification"==============Pay1.1===================");
HttpServletRequest request = this.getRequest();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(request.getInputStream()));
String str = "";
String wholeStr = "";
while((str = reader.readLine()) != null){
wholeStr += str;
JSONObject postJson= JSON.parseObject(wholeStr);
// Quick collection order
String orderId = postJson.getString("orderId");
// Your merchant order number
String merchantsOrderId = postJson.getString("merchantsOrderId");
String data = postJson.getString("data");
JSONObject dataJosn = JSONObject.parseObject(data);
//Status: 4 for success, 5 for failure, 6 for failure (user has not operated for 6 hours), 7 for failure (price not accepted), 9 for failure (refund)
String status = dataJosn.getString("status");
String coin = dataJosn.getString("coin");
//Merchant user ID
String customerMerchantsId = dataJosn.getString("customerMerchantsId");
//Legal tender amount
String dealAmount = dataJosn.getString("dealAmount");
//Cryptocurrency quantity
String dealQuantity = dataJosn.getString("dealQuantity");
//Advertisement order number
String entrustOrderId = dataJosn.getString("entrustOrderId");
//Commission currency
String feeCoin = dataJosn.getString("feeCoin");
//Creation time in milliseconds
String gmtCreate = dataJosn.getString("gmtCreate");
//End time in milliseconds
String gmtEnd = dataJosn.getString("gmtEnd");
//Legal tender currency
String legalCoin = dataJosn.getString("legalCoin");
//Platform order number
String orderId = dataJosn.getString("orderId");
//Unit price
String price = dataJosn.getString("price");
String side = dataJosn.getString("side");
//Merchant commission
String takerFee = dataJosn.getString("takerFee");
//User platform ID
String takerId = dataJosn.getString("takerId");
//Order taker nickname
String takerName = dataJosn.getString("takerName");
//Quick collection 2
String tradeType = dataJosn.getString("tradeType");
//Payment method name
String payWayName = dataJosn.getString("payWayName");
request JSON:
"merchantsOrderId": "Merchant order number",
"orderId": "Platform order number",
"merchantId": "Merchant ID",
"data": {
"orderId": "Platform withdrawal order number",
"status": "Order status",
"coin": "Cryptocurrency",
"dealAmount": "Legal tender amount",
"dealQuantity": "Cryptocurrency quantity",
"entrustOrderId": "Advertisement order number",
"feeCoin": "Commission currency",
"legalCoin": "Legal tender currency",
"orderId": "Platform order number",
"price": "Unit price",
"takerFee": "Merchant commission",
"takerId": "User platform ID",
"takerName": "Order taker nickname",
"tradeType": "Quick collection 2",
"payWayName": "Payment method name",
"side": "C2C",
"customerMerchantsId": "Merchant user ID"
Success Response Demo:
"code": "200"
Fail Response Demo:
"code": "errorCode"
The domain has a test environment and a production environment, which have different domain names. Please note...
HTTP Request
POST https://{Merchant's address to receive asynchronous callbacks.}
Parameter | Default | type | length | Description |
orderId | true | String | 32 | Platform order number. |
merchantsOrderId | true | String | 32 | Merchant order number. |
merchantId | true | String | 10 | Merchant ID |
status | true | String | 2 | 4 for success, 5 for failure, 6 for failure (user has not operated for 6 hours), 7 for failure (price not accepted), 9 for failure (refund) |
coin | true | String | 10 | Cryptocurrency |
customerMerchantsId | true | String | 32 | Merchant user ID |
dealAmount | true | String | 40 | Legal tender transaction amount |
dealQuantity | true | String | 40 | Settlement quantity of cryptocurrency |
entrustOrderId | true | String | 40 | Advertisement order number |
feeCoin | true | String | 10 | Commission currency |
gmtCreate | true | Date | 10 | Creation time in milliseconds |
gmtEnd | true | Date | 10 | End time in milliseconds |
legalCoin | true | String | 10 | Legal tender currency |
orderId | true | String | 40 | Platform order number |
payWayName | true | String | 64 | Payment method |
price | true | String | 40 | Unit price |
side | true | String | 10 | Business type C2C |
takerFee | true | String | 40 | Merchant commission |
tradeType | true | String | 2 | Quick collection 2 |
takerId | true | String | 40 | Order taker ID |
takerName | true | String | 64 | Order taker nickname |
payWayName | true | String | 64 | Payment method name |
Field | type | Description |
code | Integer | 返回码 200 成功 |
Exchange Rate Verification Interface"==============Pay1.1===================");
HttpServletRequest request = this.getRequest();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(request.getInputStream()));
String str = "";
String wholeStr = "";
while((str = reader.readLine()) != null){
wholeStr += str;
JSONObject postJson= JSON.parseObject(wholeStr);
//Platform order number
String orderId = postJson.getString("orderId");
//Your merchant order number
String merchantOrderId = postJson.getString("merchantOrderId");
//Cheezee platform advertisement number
String entrustOrderId = postJson.getString("entrustOrderId");
//Cryptocurrency USDT
String coin = postJson.getString("coin");
//Legal tender INR
String legalCoin = postJson.getString("legalCoin");
//Number of cryptocurrency transactions
String dealQuantity = postJson.getString("dealQuantity");
//Legal tender amount
String dealAmount = postJson.getString("dealAmount");
//Fixed: 2
String tradeType = postJson.getString("tradeType");
//Unit price (price)
String price = postJson.getString("price");
//Creation time
String gmtCreate = postJson.getString("gmtCreate");
//Merchant ID
String merchantId = postJson.getString("merchantId");
//Type, for example: Quick collection 2
String orderType = postJson.getString("orderType");
//Merchant user ID
String customerMerchantsId = postJson.getString("customerMerchantsId");
String platSign = postJson.getString("platSign");
Success Response Demo:
"merchantOrderId": "Merchant Order Number",
"orderId": "Platform order number",
"merchantId": "Merchant ID",
"entrustOrderId": "Advertisement number",
"coin": "Cryptocurrency name",
"legalCoin": "Legal tender name",
"dealQuantity": "Number of cryptocurrency transactions",
"dealAmount": "Legal tender amount",
"tradeType": "Fixed 2",
"price": "Unit price (fixed exchange rate, price)",
"gmtCreate": "Start time",
"orderType": "Quick collection type: 2",
"customerMerchantsId": "Merchant user ID",
"platSign": "Signature"
Fail Response Demo:
"success": false,
"code": "errorCode",
"msg": "errorMessage",
"data": null
The domain has a test environment and a production environment, which have different domain names. Please note...
HTTP Request
POST https://{Merchant's address to receive exchange rate verification.}
Parameter | Default | type | length | Description |
orderId | true | Long | 32 | Platform order number |
entrustOrderId | true | Long | 32 | Advertisement number |
merchantOrderId | true | String | 32 | Merchant order number |
coin | true | String | 32 | Cryptocurrency name |
legalCoin | true | String | 32 | Legal tender name |
dealQuantity | true | String | 32 | Number of cryptocurrency transactions |
dealAmount | true | String | 32 | Legal tender amount |
tradeType | true | Integer | 32 | Fixed 2 |
price | true | String | 32 | Unit price (price) |
gmtCreate | true | Date | - | Start time |
merchantId | true | String | 32 | Merchant ID |
orderType | true | Integer | 2 | Quick collection type 2 |
customerMerchantsId | true | String | 32 | Merchant user ID |
platSign | true | String | 32 | Signature |
Field | type | Description |
code | Integer | 200 |
Notice of change of large amount payment bank card
This interface is provided by merchant. When the large amount payment bank card changes, the platform requests this interface.
When receiving an HTTP request, please respond with httpcode=200 (HTTP response status code)
HTTP Request
POST https://{Notification address}
Field | type | Description |
id | string | Unique ID |
name | string | Payee Name |
accountNumber | string | Bank card number |
ifscCode | string | IFSC |
bankName | string | Bank name |
branchName | string | Branch name |
status | int | Bank card status 0 online、 1 offline |
operationType | int | Operation type 0Add 、1Edit、 2Online、 3Offline、 4Delete |
operationTime | long | Trigger time (timestamp: milliseconds) |
platSign | string | sign |
An HTTP response status code of 200 represents successful notification, and other codes represent failed notification.
Notification message example
"id": "25",
"name": "Sachin Pujeri",
"accountNumber": "41459877630",
"ifscCode": "SBIN0000899",
"bankName": "State Bank of India",
"branchName": "sagar Bank",
"status": 0,
"operationType": 0,
"operationTime": 1705128180000,
"platSign": "EcCs7GlN1UzEAflgpyJ4lKIHe9+lS/gdkcEvWI+nSlcvvz1c+Dg4Zi8sFmpYaoOMGxS3/BY66FGq2TXzVGhAciq2kFmwZFtYbFvr7xPTaNf/n0Ru7ZtV/jo3uBnfc9/JI6XlEWlIbPtGsVpH7CLhzghdqIT+YbPEdhX2ZKETFTTfIj6PzctY9eOsZ51YbHYnXv0jTWn1hdPoDofAF9RmoNaXK4FGYibQBSvVA6w4rM6hCXlbTeHdMc4askrZlrHeG3uhyD34VlXs74cdzAZ+oROMXBcgXR4ObsJVDFz9tsJH92iaxlKTF0lEFZa/To5ezLpHvTOAK0uY/K6IxvOAAg=="
large amount payment bank card query
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("merchantsId", "merchant id");
map.put("pageIndex", "Number of pages");
String platSign = RSAUtil.getSign(map , privateKey);
String returnObj = CheesehubRsaAndHttpUtils.doPostJsonSetTimeout("https://{domain}/business/largeAmountPaymentBankCard/query", JSON.toJSONString(map));
JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.parseObject(returnObj);
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, Object> map1 = objectMapper.readValue(returnObj, Map.class);
if(RSAUtil.verifySign(map1 , platpublicKey)){
JSONObject pageData = jsonObject.getJSONObject("data");
JSONArray records = pageData.getJSONArray("records");
Integer pageIndex = pageData.getInteger("pageIndex");
Integer pageSize = pageData.getInteger("pageSize");
Integer totalPages = pageData.getInteger("totalPages");
Integer totalCount = pageData.getInteger("totalCount");
}else {
System.out.println("no pass");
Example of successful response:
"success": true,
"code": "000000",
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"records": [
"id": "Unique ID",
"name": "Payee Name",
"accountNumber": "Bank card number",
"ifscCode": "IFSC",
"bankName": "Bank name",
"branchName": "Branch name",
"status": "Bank card status 0 online 1 offline"
"totalPages": "total pages",
"totalCount": "total count",
"pageSize": "page size",
"pageIndex": "page index"
"platSign": "sign"
Example of failure response:
"success": false,
"code": "errorCode",
"msg": "errorMessage",
"data": null
The domain has a test environment and a production environment, which have different domain names. Please note...
HTTP Request
POST https://{domain}/business/largeAmountPaymentBankCard/query
Field | required | Default | type | Description |
platSign | true | string | sign | |
merchantsId | true | string | merchant id | |
pageIndex | false | 1 | int | Number of pages |
accountNumber | false | string | Bank card number | |
status | false | int | Bank card status 0 online 1 offline |
Field | type | Description |
success | boolean | true false |
code | string | code |
msg | string | msg |
data | object | data |
platSign | string | sign |
Field | type | Description |
records | List<Record> | Bank card information |
totalPages | int | total pages |
totalCount | int | The total amount |
pageIndex | int | Number of pages |
pageSize | int | Quantity per page |
Field | type | Description |
id | string | Unique ID |
name | string | Payee Name |
accountNumber | string | Bank card number |
ifscCode | string | IFSC |
bankName | string | Bank name |
branchName | string | Branch name |
status | int | Bank card status 0 online 1 offline |
P2P Payout
P2P Payout Order
JSONObject map = new JSONObject();
map.put("customerMerchantsId", "123456788");
map.put("takerType", "2");
map.put("legalCoin", "INR");
map.put("merchantsId", "000001");
map.put("dealAmount", "500");
map.put("tradeType", "1");
map.put("coin", "USDT");
map.put("language", "zh_hk");
map.put("takerName", "name");
map.put("payeeAccountType", "[UPI]");
map.put("payeeAccountTypeName", "UPI");
JSONArray array= new JSONArray();
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
JSONObject obj2 = new JSONObject();
obj.put("value","***UPI ID***");
String platSign = RSAUtil.getSign(map , privateKey);
//The payeeAccountInfos parameter is not involved in signature generation and verification.
map.put("payeeAccountInfos", array);
String returnObj = CheesehubRsaAndHttpUtils.doPostJsonSetTimeout("https://{domain}/business/c2c/entrustOrder/buyCashier", JSON.toJSONString(map));
JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.parseObject(returnObj);
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
Map<String, Object> map1 = objectMapper.readValue(returnObj, Map.class);
if(RSAUtil.verifySign(map1 , platpublicKey)){
}else {
System.out.println("no pass");
System.out.println("no pass");
map.put("payeeAccountType", "[PhonePe]");
map.put("payeeAccountTypeName", "PhonePe");
JSONArray array= new JSONArray();
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
obj.put("value","***Full name***");
JSONObject obj2 = new JSONObject();
obj2.put("value","***Phone number***");
map.put("payeeAccountType", "[Paytm]");
map.put("payeeAccountTypeName", "Paytm");
JSONArray array= new JSONArray();
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
JSONObject obj2 = new JSONObject();
//Bank Transfer(India)
map.put("payeeAccountType", "[Bank Transfer(India)]");
map.put("payeeAccountTypeName", "Bank Transfer(India)");
JSONArray array= new JSONArray();
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
obj.put("value","***Account holder name***");
JSONObject obj2 = new JSONObject();
obj2.put("value","***Account no***");
JSONObject obj3 = new JSONObject();
obj3.put("value","***IFSC code***");
JSONObject obj4 = new JSONObject();
obj4.put("value","***Account Type***");
JSONObject obj5 = new JSONObject();
obj5.put("value","***Bank name***");
JSONObject obj6 = new JSONObject();
obj6.put("value","***Branch name***");
//Bank Transfer(India)
map.put("payeeAccountType", "[IMPS]");
map.put("payeeAccountTypeName", "IMPS");
JSONArray array= new JSONArray();
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
obj.put("value","***Account Name***");
JSONObject obj2 = new JSONObject();
obj2.put("value","***Bank account number***");
JSONObject obj3 = new JSONObject();
obj3.put("value","***IFSC code***");
JSONObject obj4 = new JSONObject();
obj4.put("value","***Account Type***");
JSONObject obj5 = new JSONObject();
obj5.put("value","***Bank name***");
JSONObject obj6 = new JSONObject();
obj6.put("value","***Branch name***");
Success Response Demo JSON:
"success": true,
"code": "000000",
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"orderId": "***orderId***"
"platSign": "Sign"
Fail Response Demo:
"success": false,
"code": "errorCode",
"msg": "errorMessage",
"data": null
The domain has a test environment and a production environment, which have different domain names. Please note...
HTTP Request
POST https://{domain}/business/c2c/entrustOrder/buyCashier
Parameter | Default | type | length | Description |
platSign | true | String | 255 | Signature |
customerMerchantsId | true | String | 32 | Unique identifier of the user's merchant, passed in the Cashier API |
legalCoin | true | String | 10 | Legal tender name, currently supports INR and IDR |
coin | true | String | 10 | Fixed: USDT |
merchantsId | true | String | 32 | Merchant ID |
dealAmount | true | Integer | 10 | Legal tender amount |
tradeType | true | Integer | 2 | Fixed: 1 |
takerType | true | Integer | 2 | Fixed: 2 |
takerName | true | String | 32 | User name, for example: jack wang |
merchantOrderId | true | String | 32 | Merchant order number - unique |
language | true | String | 32 | zh_hk Chinese; VI Vietnamese; en English; Indonesia Indonesian |
payeeAccountType | true | String | 32 | Payment method, for example: [Bank Transfer(India)] |
payeeAccountTypeName | true | String | 32 | Payment method name, for example: Bank Transfer(India) |
payeeAccountInfos | true | array | 32 | Payment method info array The payeeAccountInfos parameter is not involved in signature generation and verification. |
pushAddress | true | String | 64 | Notification callback address |
payeeAccountInfos | ||||
The payeeAccountInfos parameter is not involved in signature generation and verification. |
Parameter | Default | type | length | Description |
field | true | String | 64 | Parameter name, for example: Name |
type | true | String | 64 | Type, for example: text |
required | true | String | 64 | Whether it is required, for example: true |
value | true | String | 64 | Value |
Field | type | Description |
success | Boolean | true false |
code | String | code |
msg | String | msg |
data | Object | data |
platSign | String | sign |
P2P Payout Notification"==============Pay1.1===================");
HttpServletRequest request = this.getRequest();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(request.getInputStream()));
String str = "";
String wholeStr = "";
while((str = reader.readLine()) != null){//
wholeStr += str;
JSONObject postJson= JSON.parseObject(wholeStr);
// Quick withdrawal order
String orderId = postJson.getString("orderId");
// Your merchant order number
String merchantsOrderId = postJson.getString("merchantsOrderId");
String data = postJson.getString("data");
// Parsing
JSONObject dataJosn = JSONObject.parseObject(data);
// Status: 4 successful, 5 failed, 7 failed (price not accepted), 9 failed (refund)
String status = dataJosn.getString("status");
// Cryptocurrency
String coin = dataJosn.getString("coin");
// Merchant user ID
String customerMerchantsId = dataJosn.getString("customerMerchantsId");
// Legal tender amount
String dealAmount = dataJosn.getString("dealAmount");
// Number of cryptocurrencies
String dealQuantity = dataJosn.getString("dealQuantity");
// Advertisement number
String entrustOrderId = dataJosn.getString("entrustOrderId");
// Fee currency
String feeCoin = dataJosn.getString("feeCoin");
// Creation time in milliseconds
String gmtCreate = dataJosn.getString("gmtCreate");
// End time in milliseconds
String gmtEnd = dataJosn.getString("gmtEnd");
// Legal tender unit
String legalCoin = dataJosn.getString("legalCoin");
// Platform order number
String orderId = dataJosn.getString("orderId");
// Unit price
String price = dataJosn.getString("price");
// C2C
String side = dataJosn.getString("side");
// Merchant fee
String takerFee = dataJosn.getString("takerFee");
// User platform ID
String takerId = dataJosn.getString("takerId");
// Taker's nickname
String takerName = dataJosn.getString("takerName");
// Quick withdrawal 1
String tradeType = dataJosn.getString("tradeType");
// Payment method name
String payWayName = dataJosn.getString("payWayName");
Request JSON:
"merchantsOrderId": "Merchant Order Number",
"orderId": "Platform Order Number",
"merchantId": "Merchant ID",
"data": {
"orderId": "Platform Withdrawal Order Number",
"status": "Order Status",
"coin": "Cryptocurrency",
"dealAmount": "Legal Tender Amount",
"dealQuantity": "Number of Cryptocurrencies",
"entrustOrderId": "Advertisement Number",
"feeCoin": "Fee Currency",
"legalCoin": "Legal Tender Unit",
"price": "Unit Price",
"takerFee": "Merchant Fee",
"takerId": "User Platform ID",
"takerName": "Taker's Nickname",
"tradeType": "Quick Withdrawal 1",
"payWayName": "Payment Method Name",
"side": "C2C",
"customerMerchantsId": "Merchant User ID"
Success Response Demo:
"code": "200"
Fail Response Demo:
"code": "errorCode"
The domain has a test environment and a production environment, which have different domain names. Please pay attention...
HTTP Request
POST https://{The address where the merchant accepts asynchronous callbacks}
Parameter | Default | type | length | Description |
orderId | true | String | 32 | Platform order number. |
merchantsOrderId | true | String | 32 | Merchant order number. |
merchantId | true | String | 10 | Merchant ID. |
status | true | String | 2 | 3 successful, 4 successful, 5 failed, 7 failed (price not accepted), 9 failed (refund). |
coin | true | String | 10 | Cryptocurrency unit. |
customerMerchantsId | true | String | 32 | Merchant user ID. |
dealAmount | true | String | 40 | Legal tender trading amount. |
dealQuantity | true | String | 40 | Number of cryptocurrencies for settlement. |
entrustOrderId | true | String | 40 | Advertisement number. |
feeCoin | true | String | 10 | Fee unit. |
gmtCreate | true | Date | 10 | Creation time in milliseconds. |
gmtEnd | true | Date | 10 | End time in milliseconds. |
legalCoin | true | String | 10 | Legal tender unit. |
orderId | true | String | 40 | Platform order number. |
payWayName | true | String | 64 | Payment method. |
price | true | String | 40 | Unit price. |
side | true | String | 10 | Business type C2C. |
takerFee | true | String | 40 | Merchant fee. |
tradeType | true | String | 2 | Quick withdrawal 1. |
takerId | true | String | 40 | Taker's ID. |
takerName | true | String | 64 | Taker's nickname. |
payWayName | true | String | 64 | Payment method name. |
Field | type | Description |
code | Integer | 200 |
Exchange Rate Verification Interface"==============Pay1.1===================");
HttpServletRequest request = this.getRequest();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(request.getInputStream()));
String str = "";
String wholeStr = "";
while((str = reader.readLine()) != null){//
wholeStr += str;
JSONObject postJson= JSON.parseObject(wholeStr);
// Platform order number
String orderId = postJson.getString("orderId");
// Your merchant order number
String merchantOrderId = postJson.getString("merchantOrderId");
// Cheezee platform advertisement number
String entrustOrderId = postJson.getString("entrustOrderId");
// Cryptocurrency - USDT
String coin = postJson.getString("coin");
// Legal tender - INR
String legalCoin = postJson.getString("legalCoin");
// Number of cryptocurrencies for settlement
String dealQuantity = postJson.getString("dealQuantity");
// Legal tender trading amount
String dealAmount = postJson.getString("dealAmount");
// Fixed: 1
String tradeType = postJson.getString("tradeType");
// Unit price
String price = postJson.getString("price");
// Creation time
String gmtCreate = postJson.getString("gmtCreate");
// Merchant ID
String merchantId = postJson.getString("merchantId");
// Type, for example: 1 Quick withdrawal
String orderType = postJson.getString("orderType");
// Merchant user ID
String customerMerchantsId = postJson.getString("customerMerchantsId");
// Signature
String platSign = postJson.getString("platSign");
Request JSON:
"merchantOrderId": "Merchant Order Number",
"orderId": "Platform Order Number",
"merchantId": "Merchant ID",
"entrustOrderId": "Advertisement Number",
"coin": "Cryptocurrency Name",
"legalCoin": "Legal Tender Name",
"dealQuantity": "Number of Cryptocurrencies for Settlement",
"dealAmount": "Legal Tender Trading Amount",
"tradeType": "Fixed Value: 1",
"price": "Unit Price (Fixed Exchange Rate)",
"gmtCreate": "Start Time",
"orderType": "Quick Withdrawal Type: 1",
"customerMerchantsId": "Merchant User ID",
"platSign": "Signature"
Success Response Demo:
"code": "200"
Fail Response Demo:
"code": "errorCode"
The domain has a test environment and a production environment, which have different domain names. Please pay attention...
HTTP Request
POST https://{The URL address where the merchant accepts exchange rate verification}
Parameter | Default | type | length | Description |
orderId | true | Long | 32 | Platform order number |
entrustOrderId | true | Long | 32 | Advertisement number |
merchantOrderId | true | String | 32 | Merchant order number |
coin | true | String | 32 | Cryptocurrency name |
legalCoin | true | String | 32 | Legal tender name |
dealQuantity | true | String | 32 | Number of cryptocurrencies for settlement |
dealAmount | true | String | 32 | Legal tender trading amount |
tradeType | true | Integer | 32 | Fixed value: 1 |
price | true | String | 32 | Unit price (Fixed exchange rate) |
gmtCreate | true | Date | - | Start time |
merchantId | true | String | 32 | Merchant ID |
orderType | true | Integer | 2 | Quick withdrawal type: 1 |
customerMerchantsId | true | String | 32 | Merchant user ID |
platSign | true | String | 32 | Signature |
Field | type | Description |
code | Integer | 200 |
Errors Code
The Payment API uses the following error codes:
Error Code | Meaning |
400 | Bad Request - Your request is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized - Your API key is incorrect. |
403 | Forbidden - The requested cat is only hidden from administrators. |
404 | Not Found -- The specified cat cannot be found. |
405 | Method Not Allowed -- You attempted to access the cat using an invalid method. |
406 | Not Acceptable - Your requested format is not json. |
410 | Gone - The requested cat has been removed from our servers. |
418 | I'm a teapot |
429 | Too Many Requests -- You have requested too many cats! Slow down! |
500 | Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later. |
503 | Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later. |
000000 | Success. |
NF00001 | Cannot be empty. |
999999 | Unknown error. |
AS00002 | Insufficient asset balance. |
000001 | No access permission. |
ad0001 | Address does not exist. |
666666 | Please check the parameters! |
555555 | Temporarily unable to withdraw coins, please contact the platform! |
333333 | Tron Chain Format verification failed! |
100001 | Merchant has closed business |
100003 | Merchant has closed |
100002 | Merchant currency has stopped operations |
100004 | Merchant currency has stopped |
100005 | The merchant has not enabled this currency |
100006 | Incorrect operation type |
100007 | User not found |
100008 | User account not found |
100009 | User address not found |
100010 | The order already exists and the order number cannot be repeated |
800000 | Invalid amount number |
800001 | The amount must be greater than or equal to the minimum deposit amount |
800002 | The amount must be greater than or equal to the minimum withdrawal amount |
800003 | Failed to change the balance. |
C0667 | field cannot be empty |
A0400 | User request parameter error |
A0410 | Required parameter is empty in the request |
A0441 | User payment timeout |
A0442 | Confirmation of order timeout |
A0443 | Order has been closed |
A0445 | Matching failed |
A0446 | Cancellation failed |
A0452 | Transaction closed |
A0458 | User is closed |
A0465 | User is abnormal and cannot trade |
A0466 | Order fiat currency precision exceeds the limit |
A0467 | Failed to place order |
A0468 | Order matching failed |
A0469 | Order does not exist |
A0470 | User has exceeded the maximum number of daily cancellations |
A0471 | Merchant not found |
A0472 | Merchant requires user identification, but user is not verified |
A0473 | User is prohibited from quick withdrawal |
A0474 | User is prohibited from quick collection |
A0475 | User places an order, but merchant fails to verify the exchange rate |
A0477 | Order cannot be modified to this payment method |
A0478 | Failed to modify payment method |
A0479 | Failed to confirm receipt |
A0480 | Merchant prohibits quick collection |
A0481 | Merchant prohibits quick withdrawal |
A0485 | Digital currency precision exceeds the limit |
A0486 | Minimum transaction amount in fiat currency exceeds the limit |
A0487 | Maximum transaction amount in fiat currency exceeds the limit |
A0488 | Exchange rate not found |
A0490 | Current operation only supports USDT |
A0491 | Order fiat currency must be greater than 0 |
A0494 | There are ongoing orders, current operation failed |
A0495 | Failed to place order |
A0496 | Failed to place order, price is too high |
A0497 | Merchant order number cannot be duplicated |
A0541 | Quick withdrawal, matching failed |
A0542 | Quick withdrawal, price rejected, order failed |
A0543 | Market is closed |
A0544 | Configuration missing, please contact customer service |
A0601 | Insufficient account balance |
A0659 | Order is less than the minimum quantity |
A0660 | Order exceeds the maximum quantity |
A0664 | Quick withdrawal order cannot use this interface |
A0665 | Quick collection order cannot use this interface |
A0669 | Digital currency is required |
A0670 | Fiat currency is required |
A0672 | Exchange rate exception |
A0673 | Order digital currency precision exceeds the limit |
A0675 | Transaction amount is less than the minimum limit |
A0676 | Transaction amount exceeds the maximum limit |
A0680 | Table does not exist |
A0681 | name is null |
A0682 | utr is null |
A0683 | utr length is not 12 |
A0684 | utr is not number |